WARNING: Don't try to bring this up with anyone from 4chan. They'll just say they don't know what the fuck you're talking about, or ignore you. Some don't even remember the thread or video.

Once on 4chan, there was a thread from Anonymous, stating it was urgent and should be viewed immediately. It supposedly contained the suicide note from creator Christopher Poole. While being quite frightening, it contained rather awful grammar. Most of the comments were "unfunny troll" and "n00b" and such.

Attached to it was a .wmv file. Some didn't download it in fear it would be malware, but some downloaded it. Once you downloaded it, it would immediately pop up RealPlayer, even if you didn't have the program. At first, it would seem like a blank screen for 15 seconds... you're about to close it... when you feel something... breathing on you. You try to ignore it, but the breathing just gets heavier and heavier.

A hand touches you, and if you were lucky, nothing happened. If you weren't as lucky, your soul would leave your body. You would see your lifeless body, somehow smiling despite being horrified. Then, after a few seconds, it would come back to your body, and if you tried to 'X' it out, the same thing would happen again.

After five minutes, the video would automatically close, and all evidence of it would automatically be erased from your hard drive. You couldn't re-download it, or even view the post again. Christopher Poole logged on, and the post was deleted after 1 hour and 12 minutes. Approximately 42,000 viewed the post, and about 11,000 downloaded the video. Christopher Poole e-mailed those who saw the thread just saying there was nothing to worry about. The 11,000 who watched the video got a much deeper, creepier apology.

I talked to 132 people who saw the video, and a couple remembered the title: "lost.wmv". Some remembered seeing Death's face as they turned around to see who touched them. Some refused to go into details because they never wanted to talk about it again.

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