I just came back from vacation in the Ukraine, when my significant other and I came across this diary.

I needed to share this information...

Diary found near Chernobyl, Ukraine.

April 17, 2009

6:44 am

I started my long journey from home a few days ago, the restless airport irritated me and I didn't want to move out of the USA. I could tell my mother & father were displeased by me, but, I couldn't control my nerves, this was all too new for me...

April 19, 2009


I cannot shake the sense of discomfort here, nobody speaks English, I cannot meet anyone new due to this ! This is unfair, I cannot believe my parents did this to me.

April 20, 2009

7:03 am

They expect me to start school here?! In this little country town? I just know I'm going to get picked on if I even start speaking seeing I am an American & a girl... this place is just too weird, I had a nightmare last night about some weird chemical stuff burning people... I don't even know what chemical can do that...

June 1, 2009

12:00 am

I can't sleep here anymore, I just get too scared having these awful nightmares, I feel like something bad is happening here... School has been okay actually, most of my classmates are very quiet, the teachers seem very young. Actually, nobody is old in this place? I haven't seen anyone with wrinkles even...

June 5, 2009

1:00 pm

I skipped school today... I know mom and dad will be upset but I want to be able to explore this place a little bit...

10:00 pm

I went into the woods and saw an abandoned town??? I looked around a little bit but I started getting this intense headache... It still hasn't gone away... I think I saw something there.

June 6, 2009

3:00 pm

I cannot brush the feeling of being watched now. Ever since I went to that odd town... I want to go back and explore. I have a feeling somethings not right around here...

11:00 pm

I went back.

I know something isn't right there, I started to form rashes on my face, my headache still won't go away... I ran home in the dark... by myself... I'm so scared right now...

June 7, 2009

7:00 am

Oh my god... The rashes are getting worse! Why doesn't anyone else have these rashes?!

They are so UGLY nobody will like me now! :( I puked this morning, I just keep feeling sicker and sicker. My mom and dad are nowhere to be found, I cannot believe this...

10:00 am

My mom and dad came back... They are acting really bizarre. They noticed my burns, and shook it off like it's nothing.


Heard mom and dad talking about this place called Chernobyl... it's the place I've been going to.

I heard them saying it's abandoned.

2:00 pm

Mom and dad are driving me to that town now? I'm so confused...

dates are no longer posted past this point.

I want to get out of here now, I cannot believe this place get me out get me out get me out !!!

Oh my god, these... people... are mutations!

I'm so sick, I keep puking... My head hurts... I have burns everywhere now...

Someone came into room saying I had a mutation? What the FUCK does that mean!! I cannot even see my own face anymore, its all burned :(

They dragged me to a weird building... everything is getting darker now... people...

so many people...


They were experiments...

I can tell where my fate lies now... as this is my last writing into my journal. the men in the hazmat suits will now take me away to test on me... goodbye.

The diary stops here, there are a few words here, and there after that written in what it appears to be Russian, my hands are burning right now from even holding this diary.. I can only imagine...

Credited to Anertak
Originally uploaded on October 5, 2012

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