Ever since he could remember he had a problem with sweating. As a child, he would be sitting in class when suddenly a strange feeling would overcome him and he would start to uncontrollably sweat. This happened quite a few times.

There are a lot of blocks in his memory, he could not remember much about his childhood. He did not know what kind of government he lived under, he did not know what a continent was, he did not even know what a road was. The only thing that he knew was that somehow he had ended up living in a desert and that whenever he started sweating he had to take cover and hide.

The fact that he had to hide was something that occupied his mind almost all of the time, yet he was afraid to think about how he knew this fact. He tried to remember once, but when he did this he saw an image of a woman standing over him and he felt an intense sadness, a sadness that was so powerful it could not be about anything he knew. He knew that he was in the desert because he could see it out of his window and the desert prevented him from going out of the group of buildings that he found himself in. The group of buildings was all metal and reflective. If you looked at them you might say that they resembled one of the models that space agencies make for off-world colonies.

All of his day was a confused mess. He could barely think about anything he was doing. All of his energy was being depleted in his obsession with hiding from everyone else when he started to sweat. The sweating could begin at any time. Sweat doesn't care what event you are at or who you are with. It will come without a care about your situation or your plans. One time he was at a funeral and he was the only one that did not cry because finding a place to hide was the only thing he thought about. People thought he was strange, and whenever he heard the rumors about himself he wanted to shout, "Just leave it alone! Everything would be fine if you minded your own business!" Of course, he could not say that. Nothing like that would ever be said here. He believed that he was the only one that had thoughts like that. If others thought like him why didn't they talk differently?

One day he forgot to hide, then they lit him on fire and he died. The end.

Credited to HyperConnectedSpace 

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