Bowser's Plan

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How it all started

Bowser fell into the Lava again screaming: "Curse you Mario the Platypus." Mario froze time for everyone but him and Bowser, Bowser floats in the air now. Mario was confused and replied: "I am not a Platypus and you are not funny only, because of this one reference." Bowser said to Mario: "Well you see, I have been imitating, a other villain I met recently. He told me That I can stop you with his VillainSummonInator Or The VSI! Inator for short." Then Mario made time unfreeze and Bowser fell into the lava. He exploded and it turns out, that it was just a Bowserinator from Heinz Doofenschmirtz. Bowser laughed and appears in front of Mario. He holds a gauntlet in his claws and laughed liken a Maniac. Bowser just smirks and puts it on instead of turning Mario to dust, he sent him into a other Dimension so, he can make his plan finally come true.

Suddenly Doofenschmirtz woke Bowser up from his dream and asked: "Hey big guy where should I put the Bowserinator?" Bowser said: "Put it on the bridge did you prepare, your VillainSummonInator?" Doof said: "Kinda but, why do you need all this stuff anyway? Shouldn't you lose and then just try again to, stop your enemy?" Bowser made a fist and yelled: "I just want Mario out of the Picture, because he has everything and is always the best guy ever. Not today I have made a list of villains that I want to, fuse with and become the almighty Bowser!!" Doof just sets up the Bowserinator and then something weird happened. Doof melted into a black puddle of goo that attacks Bowser and takes control over his body. Bowser laughed evil like a demon and prepared the hardest and deadliest traps he ever made.

Bowser's plan begins

Bowser was now in control of a demon called Dot Executable hes, now an evil Master mind that, not even Mario can stop him. Mario arrived at his castle all beaten up and covered in blood. He had no choice but too use the Existobegonesword which would remove Bowser from every timeline and universe, little did Mario know that, this sword was not going to help him. Mario arrived beaten up and he had to fight the robot that, throws the sword, in the Lava. then the Robot shoots a Laser beam and Mario, which killed him. Once and for all. As the Robot absorbs 1ups+His chance to respawn at the start of his journey. Now that Mario was out of the Picture, Bowser.exe can finally begin with Phase 2 of his plan. He opened all portals to dangerous villains like Bill Cipher, Aku Aku, Uka Uka, Every Yu-gi-oh villain ever and he also tried to absorb Jevil but failed, then he fused all items he found in this dimension to, a necklace he wears to destroy everyone that disobeys him.

But suddenly Bowser snapped back and takes a deep breath and said: "What the hell? I don't need your help! could you please get out of my body or I force you!" Exe: "Bowser do you really thin...." as he tried to finish his sentence Bowser absorbed all the power of him and throw him out shooting Exe with a giant laser. Bowser said: This time I will fight you fair Mario. He turned back the clock for Mario making him start over again. Mario screamed: "This time I kill you Bowser just wait!" Mario reached Bowser's lair he fights Bowser 1 on 1 but little did he know Bowser would still win. Bowser shoots 20 big lasers at Mario which he all dodged. Bowser laughed and grins and said: "Oh that's what I like about you Mario, you try to beat me but. This time I got every Power you can dream of!" Bowser turned Ultra instinct without problem. But so did Mario as well, he laughed and said: "We are on a equal Level!" But I won't let you have peach." Bowser looked confused and replied: "Peach? uhm uh... Mario you know that I am gay right?"

Mario was shocked too hear that and said: "Wait please don't tell me that..." Bowser shoots a Fire death laser at Mario which he absorbs with his sphere shield. Bowser gagged and said in a disgusted tone: "Mario I wouldn't wanna date you even if you where the last Guy in the Multiverse. Be honest Mario! Why the hell would I wanna be together with shivers you." Mario cried and said: "But.. but I love you Bowsy." Bowser shot a black sphere of death at him banning him from entering his lair again. He did free peach and told her: "Let's just be friends!" Peach replied with: "Yeah lets do that.... By the way I throw Mario out of, the Castle for not telling me earlier that.. you know." Bowser screamed: "Get out now!" he teleported her softly in her bed.

Bowser's lover is...

The doorbell rings and Bowser opens the door to a Koopa king like him, His name is James Johnephen the 6th, only Bowser is allowed too call him James. They have a conversation

James:" Hey Bowsy! What's for dinner my sweet butter pie."

Bowser: "We eat Pizza today!

James: "Sounds good too me.

After they had dinner Bowser has proposed to James and he said yes! after that he has married him and they combined their Kingdoms to 1 giant Kingdom that nobody would stop, because they are cute couple that avoid conflicts from now on.

With that, the story ends.

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