Kid Pix Creepypasta

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This is a fictional creepy story written for entertainment purposes. Don't take it seriously.

"It's just a game..."

When I was fairly young, maybe 6 or so, I was in the first grade. At that point, we did have computer classes, which led me to discover a fun computerized game for kids; KidPix was the name of it. I loved this game more than anything else we did in school. It was also a lot of other kids favourite thing to, simply because it was a really fun game. At the time, I did have a lot of knowledge of computers. We had a crappy little PC at home, a big boxy thing. So I went home one day after school, after playing KidPix pretty consistently at school, every week. When I was at home, I decided to look up a way to download KidPix. My mom was a bit of a computer geek, and she helped me burn the download to a CD. I got my little brother up and turned on KidPix.

It started up like it normally does, kids laughing and giggling; A voice saying "KidPix!" It excited me and my 3 year old brother, he giggled, and so did I. I did all the things I normally did, draw really bad pictures and scribbled circles. After having the game for a long time, I knew a lot more about the game at home and at school. I could do things other kids couldn't and discovered a few secret things and easter eggs. Little things the designers put in that most people didn't know about, but I was very curious, so I found out everything I needed to know.

I then found that there was an update for the game, so I downloaded and burned the new version. In this new version, it was very similar, with a few video additives, of course. Blowing bubbles, making things come to life, it was very fun. I noticed a new application though... Something about puppetry; puppets have always scared the hell out of me. This did exactly the same as any puppet ever did. A large creepy parrot-human hybrid appeared on the "stage" screen. You could control its movements, but I didn't have to motor skills to really make it do much. It just danced, for long periods of time.

This dancing parrot/hybrid creature would go away when I closed the browser, but the image stuck in my mind. Neither my brother nor I touched the game for a long time. Even at school, I was reluctant to play, in fear of that parrot that haunted me. I sat in my room one day, and my mom came in, asking why I wasn't playing. I told her I was bored of it, thinking she would make fun of me for the parrot. She left the room and I swear, I saw something under the door. As clear and vivid as day, I can still see that shadow, and those long, striped toes, squirming under the door. I was so scared, I burst out of my room, and ran clinging to my mom. I've never told anyone about this. Never.

I logged onto the computer and started up KidPix once again, not as afraid, thinking I was being brave. With a courageous heart I started up the "stage", with the parrot. The big purple parrot, with its arm-like wings, and its long lanky legs. I was still so afraid. I could barely stand making it dance. It just stared at me, I let a few tears fall. It was the creature in all my nightmares. It was always there, it never left me alone. It just felt evil, and like it wanted to do harm. I've been so ashamed of this creature. Most kids are afraid of the Boogey Man, or clowns, even big dogs. But I was afraid of a parrot on KidPix. Maybe it wasn't my fault, though. He looked like a skinny Big Bird, from Sesame Street. Only, this parrot was purple and demonic. With blood red eyes, and a big smiling yellow beak. It's only now that I can recall his features, and how slowly and robotically he moved.

Every night, he was there, laughing this time, and saying things inaudibly. Whispering in my ears while I slept, cackling. He told me I was going to die by his hands. His toes squirmed along the ground, every step he took. Black and white striped, and incredibly slimy. They dripped and oozed every time he put his weight back on his toes. What still puzzled me is that he didn't really have a beak, he had teeth. Like shark teeth, or a vicious dogs teeth. He looked rabid and demonic, like something that only wanted to kill and maim. Still, to this day, he's here. There for every child, waiting, for someone to open his file again.

Someone will release his evil again soon, then he will follow them and not me. Please, take this away from me, I don't have much longer on this earth.

Credited to Badgermangopie
Originally uploaded on March 9, 2012

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