Teletubbies - Unknown Episode from 1997

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When you think of terrifying kids shows, the first show that cones to your mind is probably Teletubbies, the unsettling, brain cell busting show from the late nineties that both terrified and intrigued people at the same time. Everyone these days seems to be very split on the show; they either love it or hate it, and I'm personally on the hate train, but not for the reasons you would expect.

I don't hate it for its strange, unnerving characters or its lack of basic plot and structuring. I hate it because of a supposed missing episode from when the show first began.

This episode was allegedly known as, "The Button," and was supposedly aired once on PBS Kids all the way back on May 1st, 1997, despite the fact that Teletubbies first started with on PBS Kids in 1998.

I was only a toddler when this episode made its grand premiere. That day, I was sitting on the couch watching TV while I was eating breakfast. My mom was in the kitchen nearby cleaning dishes as I ate.

While I was eating breakfast, I had the channel on my TV tuned to PBS Kids where I would normally watch things like Sesame Street, Arthur, and more. As I ate, I noticed that some sort of show was airing on TV that I had never seen or heard of before. I gazed up at my television wondering what I was seeing, and as I watched, it looked strange.

It was a shot of the usual Teletubbies hill area at night, the moon being the only source of light in the area. All forms of plant life had died and withered away, clouds of smoke engulfed the area, lightning clapped and thunder boomed in the background as a storm started to settle in, and the audio was that of the slight sound of rain mixed with the sound of some kind of gate opening as the sound of footsteps slowly became more and more audible.

A masked man suddenly walked on screen in an orange prison jumpsuit and ski mask. In his hands, he held a large picket sign and a hammer. The man stopped at the center of the screen and slowly began to hammer the sign into the ground. As he slowly hammered the sign into the ground, he looked up at the night sky.

Suddenly, in a flashback like transition, it showed the Teletubbies frolicking across the hills, with the hills being in perfect condition. As the gang skipped throughout the hills, the sun shining above their heads, they suddenly came across a red button lying on the floor. La La picks up the button in her hands, and the camera pans in on it. The button was a crimson shade of red, with a skull and crossbones painted on top of it.

Laa Laa and the others stared in awe at the button before La La pressed it. The button made a loud beep upon pressing, and immediately after, Laa Laa clutched her heart and fell to the floor shaking. A slight drop of blood seeped fron her mouth as she stared off into the distance. Tispy, Po, and Tinky Winky kneeled down and let our a series of high pitched squeaks, fearing for their friend's life.

Suddenly, as Laa Laa lay spread out on the ground, dying, she began to speak, something none of the Teletubbies would do in the show at all, though this episode was rumored to be made very early in the shows development.

As Laa Laa gazed out into the great beyond, moments away from death, she said, "I- I can see him, he's looking down at us all..." Soon after, Laa Laa died. She layed their, her lifeless body spread out on the floor as her friends began to sob uncontrollably.

The image of Laa Laa

Suddenly, a burst of static covered the screen for a few seconds before an image appeared on the screen. It was that of Laa Laa. The photo itself was in black and white, and showed Laa Laa standing in complete darkness, her fur tattered and dirtied, and the antenna on the top of her head was droopy, but most disturbing of all was her face.

Her eyes had turned to black voids, looking as if they were melting off her face, blook pooring from them. Her mouth was gaping ooen, and pitch black, as if she was letting out one last scream of terror before death. As the image lingered, a deep voice spoke, "Laa Laa has died from a heart attack." I was absolutely terrified.

It then fades back to show the three remaining Teletubbies, their fur similarly dirty, their eyes filled with sadness over the loss of their friend. They sobbed slowly and faintly, as the button that caused this drama laying beside them. As they cried, rain poured down on top of them, with thunder booming in the distance, creating a morbid and sad atmosphere.

As the crying of Dipsy, Po, and Tinky Winky slowly became more and more distorted and more full of hurt, I could faintly heat the sound of whispering on the background, a whisper that couldn't be made out. Soon the whisper gradually turned into a giggle, and eventually into a horrific screech that played throughout, and before I knew it, the screen was starting to shake and the sound became and more and more distorted, and I swear I could see rhe disheveled corpse of Laa Laa walk about the grassy hills in the background, wielding some sort of blade.

It then showed Dipsy reach over to the button, tears streaming down his face as he slowly touched the button. Upon touching the button, Dipsy let out a screech that made all the hair on my body stand on edge, as the fur on Dipsy slowly began to fall off piece by piece, revealing harsh gashes underneath each patch of missing fur, blood seeping from each. Po and Tinky Winky stared at Dipsy, watching as their friend slowly bled out.

The only other screenshot of the episode

The spirit of Laa Laa suddenly appears behind Dipsy wielding the same sharp blade we saw her wielding before. Laa Laa winds up her blade, preparing to swing the blade deep into Dipsy's neck like a bat hitting a baseball. Right as the blade is about to make contact with Dipsy's neck, the screen cuts to static once again.

After the static it cuts to show an image, once again in black and white, and showcasing Dipsy standing in complete darkness. His head had been severed off, and placed upside down on top of his neck. His eyes, too, were void of anything at all and bleeding out. His mouth was curled into a frown, laced with a row chipped, broken teeth. A deep voice spoke, "Dipsy has died from majure blood loss and decapitation."

There was still more to the episode, but I was completely through with this. I easy screaming and sobbing, begging for it all to be over. My mom came in and saw what was happening and immediately shut off the TV. 4 for what happened after that has since left my memory, but what I did see on that TV is stuck in my mind, and I've been unable to get it to leave. It was one of the most horrific things I have ever witnessed.

Now I know what you night be thinking: how does this episode end? The truth is, I don't know. Only two screenshots of the episode exist as of now, and no one has been able to find any footage of it.

I've looked far and wide for footage of this episode, but to no avail. I hope to one day find out more about this episode. I'll be sure to update you when I find the footage, or atleast get more information on the episode, because believe me, this is something far bigger than one would expect.

Credited to SpongebobSummerSplashInactive

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