The SquarePants Killer

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One day I received a tape from my cousin, Akagami (don't ask), a SpongeBob Season 1 DVD as a late birthday present since it happened about 4 days ago. I love the season 1 of Spongebob, it is the best season and the moments are quality.

So I popped this bad boi in the Disc Player and I was greeted to a black screen. Wow! So much quality.

The title card read: "The Squarepants killer". OMG! The animation is much shittier then the show like some of those badass flash animations from Newgrounds. It started with Spongebob sitting down watching TV and drinking... Mountain Dew? How did they not get sued for showing an actual animated can of Mt Dew, you know i'm not gonna question.

Patrick came in Spongebob's house and he was smoking.

Patrick: SpongeBob, are you MLG?

Spongebob: Yes I drink Mt Dew.

Patrick: No Spongebob, just because you drink one can of Mt Dew that doesn't mean your really MLG.

Spongebob: Well how am I gonna be truly MLG?

Patrick: You have to create a Krusty Krab commercial that is so bad, people are gonna cringe so hard and die.

Spongebob: Patrick what are you talking about? Just from seeing a bad commercials people can't die.

Patrick: But we also gonna make it cursed so when viewed at 3AM is gonna be scary OMG.

Spongebob: Whatever u say.

So it cuts to Tom the chocolate guy in the original shoe, he watches TV and suddenly a Krusty krab commercial pops up.

The commercial was like a 90's acid trip with flashing lights and trippy visuals.

Spongebob comes out and says: Are you hungry? Come to the Krusty Krab and get your um... eat over here yes that is what you have at KK. We have everything yeah everything such as the Crappy Patty, fries with weed. and the blood soda. (the misplaced dot is there on purpose) So come to my... your... our Krusty Krab restaurant and spend all of your money and... The next part makes me crap bricks no joke. It cuts to a background of the Krusty Krab with "Sample Text" written on top.

People died and the scene became apocalyptic. Fish and buildings were on fire! Spongebob was walking and speaking reversed in a deep voice. This happened for 2 minutes when I got bored and fast forward and it cut to Shitward looking at the screen with a realistic face. Loud screams were heard and I took one of the bricks that I shitted, took the disc out (can't forget that) and smashed it.

The disc started to glow and it vanished. I called Akagami again and told her what the fuck did she sent me. She said that she sent the Season 1 DVD and she viewed it before she mailed it to me and nothing was wrong with it. I then explained her what happened and she said that I probably got the wrong order.

Originally on Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki

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