The Storyline Virus

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...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

I've always had a very strong interest in computing. Specifically the history of it. But to pinpoint, I'd have say the late 80's to the early 90's.

It was a time when major communities were sparse, and many people did not have a wide knowledge of computer systems, because Windows 95 was completely revolutionary, and a giant step up from DOS. With a new generation of system came a new generation of people who took enjoyment out of destroying them. Not necessarily Luddites, but I'm talking about virus developers. There's a wide range of videos on YouTube today showing you viruses, their information and payloads, etc. However still there are malicious programs that have been buried for almost two decades.

I was raised on Windows 98. After getting the family computer at the age of 4 I familiarized myself with how it works and almost everything about it, but our old dinosaur had to go when I blew out the speakers, deleted a large portion of system32, and some relatives were in need of it. I was dismayed to say the least, but life went on.

Today I'm 20 years old, studying Computer Science at Bristol University in the UK. During the majority of lectures I had to attend, when I wasn't making notes on my Windows 7 TOSHIBA, my old Windows 98 Packard Bell popped into my head. I'd think of the countless hours I'd spend on it, playing shareware-trial games and writing Word Documents filled with garbage. Overcome with surges of nostalgia, two months ago, I decided enough was enough, and looked to order a semi-vintage system.

The first eBay result was fantastic, a Packard Bell, exactly the same model I had as a child... and in perfect condition! It was too good to be true. Best yet, it had a BUY IT NOW! button next to it. Being from a wealthy family and easily able to afford it, I snatched it up in a flash. I was gracious with my payment, and the seller was in turn gracious with the delivery, and it was in my hands the next week. I felt five again, once I turned it on. The system made exactly the same whirrs and buzzes it did as I remember it. Only difference was the speakers worked.

Having a wired internet connection in my room, I tore the Ethernet plug out of my laptop and inserted into the back of the Hard Drive. Internet Explorer 5 was a complete joke of a program in my opinion, but it reminded me of being young again, so I decided not to upgrade, seeing as most browsers today don't support Windows 95. I even connected outlook to one of my first email address, which I kept changing for one reason or another. Immediately my inbox filled with subscription updates and special offers, there were even a few from 2002. I smiled to myself, and just closed outlook.

I called my mother the next day, and asked for my old disc, full of shareware games to be sent to me, and she accepted. Once I received it, I was hooked.

Two weeks passed before anything remotely interesting happened. I didn't go on the system every day, perhaps for about an hour every other day. I booted up outlook to discover a curious email which had been sent to me. My last email was from last week, from a company which I can't remember. The sender did not have a name, but their email was That's odd, I thought to myself, but without thinking I clicked the email to open it. It had one attachment and a note, written in poor Engrish:

"thought of interest might peak atthis

kindregards from"

What a joker, he didn't even include his name, I said to myself. I looked at the attachment—it was called foryou.exe. I'm not gonna lie, I've read Creepypasta, and I'm certain you're expecting something along the lines of a cheap scare, such as a loud beep of the speakers, and something happening in reality that kills me, or tries to kill me. It's nothing as simple as that.

I double clicked on the attachment, and the publisher warning appeared. I hit run and nothing happened. The computer did not even flinch.

Not being an idiot, and studying Computer Science for good reason, I checked system32, sysWOW and system for anything peculiar, such as dropped files.

Sure enough, in system, I noticed a .vbs file inserted. COMPLETE.vbs. I chuckled to myself, seeing as I knew a great deal about computer viruses. I right clicked, and hit edit. Notepad initialized, and I was surprised by what I saw.

The text filled with foreign, hexadecimal and error characters. It definitely was not coded in Basic, so I was certain that the virus would fail to do anything, if I ran it. So I did.

I whispered "Shit." Under my breath when the system shut down. Most viruses delete a huge portion of C: and shut your system down. So I was surprised when the Windows actually restarted successfully and I could log back in with no problems.

I scanned the folders on my system thoroughly for any changes, anything at all but I found nothing until I clicked onto My Videos. In it, 3 .AVI files had been dropped.




I decided to watch them in the order of the dates they'd been created. Bear in mind the date on my system was correct to the present day. All the .AVIs were posted 3 minutes apart at 7PM on September 1, 2001. The title of the files have inspired me to call this The Storyline Virus.


A man was adjusting the camera, which was obviously perched on a tripod or something. He had short black hair, caucasian and rather skinny. He was wearing a shirt and tie and he was visibly sweating a little. He was in an empty room, with nothing but a chair in it and window behind him. He sat on the chair looking worried.

A short burst of static could be heard and he spoke with a whimper in his voice, often looking away from the camera at intervals.

"S-sorry guys, I lost the other videos but I-I'll be more careful next time, I promise. No one's gonna b-believe me now though, not un-ntil it happens again but.."

I leaned back on my seat in confusion at this point. The man stared away from the camera in silence for almost a minute. I jumped when the silence was broken by a piercingly loud, serious knocking at the door in the video. Ignoring the camera, the man rose from his seat and turned to the door off camera.

A man spoke: "John she got out, we need to go... quickly." The camera shook on its tripod and was eventually picked up by whoever John was. He was running down the stairs of some sort of apartment complex, following a tall bald man in a leather jacket.

When they reached the outside, John threw the camera into the backseat of a car and got in the front passenger seat. The man in the leather jacket got in too and pulled away, and John turned round to pick up the camera and stopped the video.


John had the camera perched in front of him, looking out the windshield. It was night time and the camera had switched to nightmode. The two were travelling down a large country road. Troublingly, no cars passed them for five minutes. In fact, there were hardly any signs of human civilisation throughout the entire video. The two did not say a word to each other during the journey. It was about five minutes of a rumbling car engine.

The car screeched to a stop about 5 minutes and 30 seconds into the video. They were outside a wood. John spoke to the man in the leather jacket: "Pete we should... split up and meet back at the car in 5 minutes... I'm not even sure if she'd come here.."

John was running fast, ignoring all the shrubs and branches that were blocking his way. He was panting and saying "Oh God..." at regular intervals.

About 30 seconds later, John stopped as a clearing was just behind a bush. He crouched, trying to hide from something. In the middle of the clearing was a large fire, burning some large logs and tree branches which had been placed in a circle, pointing upwards. The fire was in the centre. John dared not to move when he saw a woman, with her arms raised, stood by the fire. She was wearing nothing but a hospital-style robe.

Her back was to him, but her skin was a pale-green, her veins a very dark blue colour. She had long black hair which almost reached her anus. Her nails were extremely long, sharp and unkempt. John was breathing heavily, and pointed the camera to some nearby trees when they rustled violently, and Pete, the man in the jacket appeared.

The woman's attention turned directly to the man, she put her arms down and growled viciously, almost in an animalistic style. She ran towards Pete with an alarmingly fast speed. She took him down to the floor on immediately touching him, and she raised her hands and dug it into his face with her nails.

The blade-like nails pierced his skin and blood flowed from it in torrents immediately, she began to pull his skin away, and blood flowed more violently. Pete began trying to scream, but all that could be heard was a loud whimpering shout. She tore out an eyeball, and then the other. They both burst in her hands when she squeezed, blood splattered onto her mouth and she licked it away.

With great strength she tore out his skull, and she threw it away. John was audibly traumatized, as his breathing was faster. He pointed the camera to his mobile phone that he was operating, and he dialled 999. He didn't answer when he was asked what service he would like to be connected to.

Looking back on the woman, she carefully unzipped his jeans and tore off his underwear. She grasped his penis in her hands and she growled angrily. I couldn't tell what she was going to do but I had an idea. She picked up the man's body and threw it to the trees.

John fearfully shook the bushes accidentally, because he was shivering. And the woman turned round instantly. She began running to John and terrified, he ran to the trees behind him.


John was running slowly, and he was panting the entire time. He'd obviously been running for a while. After pushing past a low hanging branch, he discovered a railway track, and he panted to himself: "Road... leads to a road..." He stepped onto it and began running. The camera was pointing downwards but after about 20 seconds he stopped in his tracks and whimpered: "No..."

He pointed the camera upwards and the woman was stood there, in front of him. Her face was scarred massively, and her skin was as pale as it was before.

She charged towards John and he dropped the camera. John in turn fell over and she put both her hands onto his face, blocking it from view of the camera. Some sort of smoke was being given off by his face and her hands at this point, and shortly after the woman let go. John's face had been burned entirely, his charred skin was cracking in parts and his blood was evaporating off the floor.

The woman spun round, and suddenly, she was beautiful. Her skin had been completely revitalized, she had a very nice skin tone and her eyes were beautiful green. In fact, her entire body had been rejuvenated. She turned to the camera and smiled, picking it up.

She spoke softly: "What's this?"

A bright light shined onto her face out of view, and she looked towards it and hissed. She ran away with speed, dropping the camera. A man in a fluorescent jacket walked onto the tracks, and picked up the camera. He spoke: "Sergeant, over here."

The Police had come to John's aid too late.


Why this was a virus I don't know. In fact, there's no mention of it on the internet anywhere. At a nearby library, I looked at a Yorkshire Newspaper on Microfilm, and it was a local town's report on how a "Witch" had been spotted in some nearby woods, but it was later dismissed as a hoax.

It certainly didn't look like one.

The sender did not reply to any of my responses to that email.

Immediately after BLEAK ended, the system shut off entirely, and was unable to reboot as WINDOWS.COM had been deleted.

Credited to The Aeronaut

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