The Woman From Mars

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After a hard moment on his life, the Colombian researcher Oliver writes a text on his letter to send to NASA, explaining a red creature he saw.

"I need to tell something that happened to me when I was an autistic innocent child, can I?


It all started on a drip to Ubatuba (Sao Paulo, Brazil), with my uncle to look for stars in the sky. Since it was afternoon, we got on the plane and left our country.

When I looked out of my window, I saw a pink sparkle, with my own 'vision super powers' that I used to belive in when I watched television.

I told my uncle what I had seen, I would be satisfied if he said some praise, but he only let out an 'ok'.

I started reading a book, page by page, and so, halfway through the book, I fell asleep for good.

Later, when we arrived in Ubatuba, we had a picnic with a sandwich, orange juice and strawberry cake, which made me feel full, sleep deeply and eliminate every suffering I had back my country.

I had a dream where I was on the pink star, meeting other humanoids and getting into good habits with them, and so I began to sleep for good, again.

However, the problem starts at 2 AM, I opened my eyes a little and saw my uncle with his telescope looking for stars, since he had almost forgotten it. When he saw the same pink star, he started to get in trouble.

I looked though the telescope for a while and, trying to find something in the sparkle, I saw a teenage woman with red skin and eyes.

At the moment, I actually thought it was a beautiful girl and thought she was normal, but looking more closer, the girl look to us from Mars, and a laser went to the nowhere, making a part of Earth explode.

I went back to my country and never heard about the girl again."

NASA sent a letter to Oliver, explaining to him what the girl looked like.

"Hello, we are the NASA team, and we our glad of you who discovered a new life on solar system! Accorrding to our results, the girl named "Susan" is a red and pink humanoid who looks for big rocks, and so she applies a laser who destroy the rock, making the rock have her signature."

Oliver still creates theories about the humanoid, due to the NASA's letter never being finished.

Original story by Butterfingermoment


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